Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to get more neighbors tips

Want to know how to add additional neighbors in the popular Facebook game Cafe World? Keep reading for more info about the importance of neighbors in Cafe World and tips for getting more neighbors without spamming.
To do well in Cafe World, it’s important to have neighbors for your cafe. Visiting your neighbors can be a simple way to get coins and experience points. Each visit earns you 20 coins and 5 experience points; you can visit 20 neighbors max in one day, so that’s 400 coins and 20 experience points right there! While you’re visiting, you can also scope out your neighbors for ideas to implement in your own cafe. What are they cooking? How do they have their cafe set up? What kind of decoration is in place? In return, neighbors can also visit your cafe and tip you coins. More neighbors means more visits and more money!
The other benefit of having lots of neighbors is free gifts. That’s right…neighbors can send you one free gift per day. Gifts include dishes like bacon cheeseburgers and ginger plum pork chops. The higher your level, the more free gifts that are available to give. You can then serve these dish gifts in your cafe for free! It’s a great way to make money in Cafe World quickly and easily without having to spend your coins to buy the food, or invest your time in preparing the meal. The gift is all ready to serve once you accept it and use it! Keep in mind that the more you give, the more you’re likely to receive in return.
Cafe expansion is another reason you’ll want to make sure you have neighbors in Cafe World. The basic cafe doesn’t allow for lots of stoves, counters, tables and chairs, which you’ll want in order to advance more quickly in the game. To expand your cafe, not only will you need coins but you’ll also need a certain amount of neighbors. Here’s a breakdown of the requirements:
Quaint Cafe 8×9: 1 neighbor
Corner Cafe 9×10: 2 neighbors
Family Cafe 10×12: 4 neighbors
Plentiful Cafe 12×13: 8 neighbors
Bountiful Cafe 13×15: 10 neighbors
The last benefit we’ll mention here is neighbor achievements. When a neighbor gets a Chef’s Special or a new medal, and then posts it to their Facebook news feed, friends can get rewards too, including extra servings of certain dishes that can be used in your cafe, as well as coin bonuses. If you set up a list for “Cafe World Friends” and then scan the news feed, you can watch for these announcements and capitalize on them when you see them!
Now that you’re excited to add lots and lots of neighbors to your cafe, let’s discuss how to go about getting them.
Tip #1: One of the easiest ways to find neighbors is to determine which Facebook friends of yours are already playing and add them first. You can do so by clicking on the “Neighbors” tab above the game and scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Here will be listed all of your current friends who are active in the game, including their game stats such as level and points. Add them all or choose to invite only the most active players; however even if they don’t play the game very often, or at all, you can still visit those neighbors for coins and experience points each day.
Tip #2: There are also groups on Facebook that have been created to facilitate neighboring. Search on something like “Cafe World neighbors” in Facebook, and you should see these groups come up in the results. If you’re comfortable, you can then join the group and post “Add Me” messages, so people can send you neighbor invites. Or you can choose to invite neighbors from the list. If you’re worried about adding strangers to your Facebook, you can also set up your privacy settings to restrict anyone in your Cafe World list from seeing any of your personal information.
Tip #3: Another resource for Cafe World neighbors is the official Cafe World forum from Zynga. Go to the “Add Me” group and you can find lots of willing and able neighbors here:
One final piece of advice: The more you give, the more you get…so remember to scratch your neighbors’ backs by visiting their cafes, gifting them, and “sharing” your achievements, and you’ll be more likely to have your back scratched in return. Good luck, chefs!

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